What are you selling?

Posted on May 3, 2013 by Aimee in The Story Continues

for-sale-signIt’s been a busy few weeks sharing great health and wellness tips! I gave a “Juicing and Smoothies 101” talk at Dew yoga, hosted a “Healthy Snacks” demo at Lululemon, and participated in a survivorship forum hosted by the local hospital here in Stamford. And there’s more exciting events coming soon, so stay tuned!!! Anyway, while at Lululemon a man asked, “What are you selling?” Without giving it a thought I happily replied, “health and wellness”. He laughed and went on enjoying some yummy snacks.

That conversation got me thinking, what am I selling? In reality, I’m not selling anything at the moment. For now, I’m just sharing. Sharing my journey and sharing what I have learned about food and what it means for health and wellness. For me, this was all sparked by my cancer diagnosis. Since taking a more conscious and active role in our health and wellness, both my family and I have experienced extraordinary benefits from our change in lifestyle. So I am sharing in part to thank  those who shared with me, and in part to “pay it forward” so that others might benefit too. But also because I truly believe that what I am sharing has the potential of saving someone’s life! Why wait until the ball drops and you find yourself diagnosed with cancer, heart disease, or diabetes? You can fight these diseases before they ever get diagnosed. And while you are actively doing everything you can to prevent these diseases, you can experience all the other amazing benefits that come along with your new found quest for health and wellness; more energy, better digestion, healthy skin, and higher mental focus just to name a few.

Food-Dollar-SignFor me it was Kris Carr who opened my eyes to having a different relationship with food; to treat food as more than simply a cure for hunger. I hope that someday, I can be that person for somebody else. What greater payment can I receive than to know that I helped make someone’s life better? So after thinking about it, I guess I still have no better answer. I am selling health and wellness. The question is, are you buying?

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